Dealership Communication Tools

Structure Your Internet Processes for Sales – Jasen Rice

Jasen Rise writes a nice article for Dealer-Magazine about how one could and should set up their follow-up process. (It almost looks as if he was in my personal files) After several years of "trying" to perfect the ideal follow-up process I have found you need to cater it your specific cliental, however in general this is a GREAT example!

He mentions that "Some have suggested that this process calls for too many customer contacts"…I’d like to know who would suggest this? I actually encourage a few more emails within my follow-up process. Jason also talks about setting up your Lead Management system to send out your automated emails accordingly. Absolutely, but be careful not to make your email sound to canned. I truly encourage one to have their templates set up to to read like you are emailing a friend. Don’t get too wordy. I have received more responses from my short and simple emails then I have from the long winded and sales like emails. Nice Job Jasen!!

Read this Artical Link: Dealer magazine.

Founder of DealerRefresh - 20+ Years of dealership Sales, Management, Training, Marketing and Leadership.
Thanks for your comments on my article. I like the blog, do you get much traffic on it? Also hopefully you make it to the AutoSuccess Summit in Vagas, I will be speaking there and would like to meet you. Have you joined AAISP yet? I sit on the board and we are suppose to meet up in Vagas while most of us are out there.

Thank for reading my article.
Jasen Rice

do you know where i can find pre-made e-mail templetes.