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Round Robin or Lead Bucket – which is best?
Alright folks, it’s 2014, and I haven’t seen this question asked in a while. Are you guys / gals using a lead bucket or a round robin system?
We have gone back and forth through the years, and are current using a lead bucket. It has warts, of course, and I am contemplating a switch back to round robin. We have a hybrid BDC of sorts – 4 appointment setters (who work more leads, naturally) and 2 salespeople (who work less leads.)
Since we added the salespeople, I haven’t been comfortable with Round Robin – we all know the issue there. However, it seems like they get the short end of the stick when using a bucket as well.
Anyway, what are you using today, why, and how do you like it? Click here and comment over in the forums
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