Opinions & Advice

Are you underpaid? Need a raise?

We’re trying to gauge what the average Internet Sales Manager or Director is making across the country.  Answer the poll on the DealerRefresh forums:  http://forum.dealerrefresh.com/f40/pay-internet-sales-manager-director-903.html

Poll results as of April 28th at 3:33 PM EST.

This could be your opportunity to show your boss that you’re under-valued.  Regardless of where you fall in the current poll, the more people who answer it the more accurate the numbers become.

Thank you for taking the time!

Who knew an argument with Jeff Kershner, in 2005, would lead to Alex becoming a partner with him on DealerRefresh. Where will the next argument take ...
  • A
    Anthony Stanley
  • April 30, 2010
Alex, I do need a pay raise. My boss's response was "your raise will become effective when you do". I guess I could take that either way, but we do all control our on income to some degree. That's why we are in sales.