is now Autotrader. is rebranding itself as Autotrader in hopes to better reach consumers by mobile.
Wait… so this means we’re no longer able to use the abbreviation ATC? That’s going to be a hard habit to break.
The rebranding also includes a nifty new logo, designed to have more impact on mobile devices (?).
“Our new brand positioning is about an experience – less about the platform. We are looking at how consumers engage with Autotrader more holistically. The drop of the .com reinforces that” says John Kovac, senior vice president of marketing for Cox Automotive.
The rebranding follows Autotrader’s recent launch of dealership reviews, improved search experience, and a number of updates to its existing mobile tools and features. It also reinforces their focus on catering to the mobile consumer and the accelerated mobile strategies dealers are implementing. ATC Autotrader is also said to be piloting beacons at various dealerships throughout the US to engage with consumers while collecting useful information that could be useful to dealers and OEMs.
What do you think of the new Logo and their increased focus on the mobile experience?
Comment below or jump over into the dealer forums where we have comments already.