Hello, my name is Alex and I’ve been handling Internet specials my automotive group since 2001.
Every month there are 10 or more franchises I have to create sets of specials for, and I really enjoy it! However, I really can’t stand how hard it is to extract information from the stores who I make these specials for. You see, I don’t actually come-up with the prices, payments, or rates; I lend a hand in those things, but I create the art and messages. Usually, I get these things done within the first week of a new month, but today is July 16th and I finally got all July ads completely posted yesterday. This was a particularly bad month for stores getting information to me, and it blows my mind because this just helps them sell more cars.
Am I the only one with this frustration?
It is as if the stores know they have a bad tooth, and want it out, but just don’t want to go through the pain of having that bad tooth pulled. Once the tooth is out, everything is better and the pain is gone.
What have I done in the past to make this process better?
- Created a form that I emailed out on the 1st of each month with a due date
- Made every sales manager accept a calendar event in his/her Outlook/Exchange account
- Sent email reminders every other day until I had all specials
- Visited and called the stores to push them
- Sent an email showing who the good stores were and the bad stores, CC’ing their bosses…this was actually the most effective
- Among other things
I know we are structured differently than most dealerships, and I also know this is more of a “people problem”, but I’m curious if anyone has a decent process for getting things done in this area?
On a side note, we have some stores that are excellent at getting information to me (our BMW store is incredible and Toyota does a great job), but I think it is because those stores have people who enjoy flexing their creative brain-muscles.
It goes back to the left-brain/right-brain theory. So, this is a “people-problem” based on a struggle for creativity, but it certainly doesn’t mean people need replacing.
Or does it?