Consider who Obama was going up against; a Veteran, a Maverick, the old trusty Ford that has been turning it’s wheels for a long time.
To me it resembles the dealer down the road that has been around for over 30 years, sorta doing the same thing over and over. They’re not a bad dealer, maybe family owned, their reputation is average to above but their customer base has slowly dwindled. Their marketing and lack of consistency no longer speaks to today’s consumer.
America has changed over the last 12 months. For the first time in our History we are about to have our first Black President. A true symbol of shift and adjustment across our land.
We have seen a shift in our business as well. This shift has been taking place for some time now. And of course with the economic status, we have seen a deeper change over the last 8-10 months.
As maybe a lesson for dealers (us); Is there anything we can learn from a Presidential Campaign that will mold into the history books.
1. Have a Clear and Simple Message.
Obama’s message was clear and precise. “Change”. He treasured the weakness of his opponent/s and voiced a message [slogan] that resonated with the majority. A simple message for simple Americans, a message that we all wanted to hear.
2. Keep Consistent
Obama was consistent with his message and process. He found his message early and stayed true to it, never letting off. There was no going back to the drawing board in a relentless search for the magic bullet.
3. Brand Yourself (like a rockstar)
Obama’s logo, slogan, understanding of social media and technology were considered flawless. Obama become a brand while also becoming an effective force across America. His brand and persona helped fuel his strategy.
4. Perfect your Marketing Mix
Obama and his campaign team was able to fully leverage every avenue of marketing. From traditional to online marketing, his consistent message was heard abroad. They had a true understanding of Web 2.0 and was able to touch, embrace and engage voters across America using social-media channels.
5. Build Raving Fans
Using the tools of Web 2.0, Obama was able to build a pure fan base across all 50 states. This empowered him to plant and mobilize raving fans in amongst the competition. He harnessed the power of today’s online social word of mouth, recognizing it’s impact of immenseness.
Dig deep into underlying characteristics that has fueled Obamas success. He was able to create a passionate audience by speaking, engaging and listening to the people. He had a process, a message that became apart of his “brand” and image.
What is your dealers message, what is your dealers brand, are you truly engaging with your customers?
I didn’t vote for Obama, but I have a full understanding why so many Americans did and now that he is going to be our President he has my full support (unless he effs it up of course).
Your thoughts..