A dealer called me to ask what I thought of his new website the other day, and it looked like he only spent time working on his home page. The rest of the site was canned. You guessed it, the most obviously canned page….the About Page.
Why would you stick to the templated About page when you know everything about yourself? Don’t you sell yourself every day? Sell yourself, the house, and then the product…right???
If you’ve been following DealerRefresh for any amount of time, I think you may have figured out that my articles are always inspired. After 5 Billion years of the Internet (that’s like 10 minutes) we’re still not paying attention to the About page, so let’s make a strategy for it.
There are 3 core things you should have on your About Page:
1. Who you are
What makes you different? What makes you the best dealership to work with? Do you have a value-added program? Sell yourself!
2. What can I do for you
What services do you offer. It might be obvious to you that you sell Toyota’s, but the obvious to you isn’t always the obvious to the customer. Do you service them? Can you provide dent removal services. I think you get the idea.
3. How can you contact me
I’m sure you have a link to your address, a fancy directions creator, your phone number(s), your store hours, and all that kind of stuff. Make sure it is on your About Page!
How about some other things…
4. A few testimonials
If you’re a certified DealerRater Dealership you can feed your last 10 DealerRater reviews right in. Get your site host to help you because most don’t allow dealers to input their own JAVA.
5. A video
It is true, the average American is reading less and watching more. If you really want to get your message across, add a video.
6. Link to your other pages
If you have a YouTube Channel, a facebook fan page, blog, or a twitter account link to it!
7. Optimize it!
This could be an entire posting on its own. Make sure your page is geographically targeted to your marketplace. Create an idented listing of your “About Page” on Google.
Make sure your name is part of your keywords on your Home Page and also on your About Page, and create links between the two pages. You do this simply by typing out “About Us”, “About Me”, or whatever you want to call your About Page on your home page and then turn it into a link to your actual About Page. That’s really all there is to it, and Google will (hopefully) do the rest of the work.
More resources on how to setup your About Me Page.