We speak a lot about not going forward until we’ve fixed our core processes first, but I’m going to challenge that notion for a minute.
When my dealer group was on ADP CRM we had the option of denying sales people the ability to email out of the CRM. I know that sounds nasty, and there were some solid reasons behind it I’m not going to detail here, but I can say one was due to us not being able to handle a phone call or consistently mail a letter – if we couldn’t do that, how could we send an email? iMagicLab CRM, which we’re currently on, did not have the ability to turn email off from any user when we first moved over, so we were forced to abandon the policy that
“if the core is broken, don’t move forward”. Today, I’m really glad we were forced to move forward.Through email, we have found another way to train our people. A few who we couldn’t get to buy-in on phone training are email fanatics whom we’ve been able to train on email, and they’re now using that email training inside phone conversations.
One buy-in is turning into multiple buy-ins.
I’m seeing a repeat of this lesson through facebook today. Some of our sales agents, who are the biggest CRM-follow-up offenders, are becoming incredible facebook-follow-up artists. When I visit with these sales agents, I point out what they did on facebook and try to show them that CRM is no different – it is just a different communication tool. It is working!
It is obvious that every person learns differently, and it should be obvious that each person has different hot points. So why not nurture the next big thing to see who climbs on? You may be surprised what kind of old highways the new alleyway creates.